
‘No Analogue in History’ to TikTok Bill | Politico

The TikTok bill that passed the House over the weekend isn’t just a high-profile shot at an ultra-popular app — it’s a move so historically unusual that it could run into problems if it’s signed into law. […] By naming… Read More ›

Update (18 April 2024)

As part of my upcoming preparations to someday write new Entries for Section Three of Work-Standard Accounting Practices, I have written a new Entry describing the Maoist Balance Sheet. This Maoist-style Balance Sheet is pretty nifty that I am still… Read More ›

Update (17 April 2024)

I am intrigued by the modifications that Chinese Accountants made to the Soviet accounting system under Chairman Zedong as part of the “Cultural Revolution.” The modifications they had made included recording the revenues sources of different Economic Organizations and where… Read More ›

Update (14 April 2024)

After writing those three new Entries for Section One of Work-Standard Accounting Practices, I decided to take a break and start reading through the academic literature I found while researching for both the Second Edition and my Bookkeeping Certificate coursework…. Read More ›